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Fall 2025 Workshops Q&A
Wednesday August 6th 12pm - 1pm ET / 9am - 10am PT
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Register for The Organizing Center Q&A Session
First Name
Last Name
Email (Primary)
Phone-Mobile (Primary)
For workshop descriptions, visit
Which of the following topics are bringing you to our workshops Q&A Session? (select all that apply)
Building A Bigger “We”: Organizing Conversations That Grow Our Movements
Making Absorption Real: How To Bring New People In And Keep Them
Stronger Together: Coalition Practices For Navigating Tension And Disagreement
After reviewing our workshop descriptions, what’s one question you are bringing to the Q+A session?
ASL interpretation is available for all 2025 Q&A sessions. Spanish interpretation is available
for the Fall 2025 Q&A session. In all cases, interpretation must be requested at least two weeks before the Q&A session.
Select all languages you can comfortably speak in a workshop
ASL interpretation is available for all 2025 workshops. Spanish interpretation is only available for our Fall 2025 workshops. In all cases, interpretation must be requested at least two weeks before the opening session for your workshop.
La interpretación ASL está disponible para todos los talleres de 2025. La interpretación en español solo está disponible para los talleres de otoño de 2025. En todos los casos, la interpretación debe solicitarse al menos dos semanas antes de la sesión de apertura del taller.
What interpretation do you need for this Q&A?
- select What interpretation do you need for this Q&A? -
What accommodations would support your access and participation in this offering?
Organization Affiliation
Organization Role
- select Organization Role -
Reference the following for the next question:
- Activist collective: groups that unite activists to take collective action
- Advocacy: knowledgeable staff of organizations/ institutions and some community representatives represent the needs of the broader community; activities most frequently used are policy change and litigation
- Alternative institution: institutions that provide another model for how our society could work (for example, community land trusts)
- Base building: people coming together around a shared challenge, building strong organizations that show their people power, transforming people in the process, working to win the changes they seek in their lives and communities and to shift the balance of power
- Capacity building/training: groups whose work to increase skills and capacity of movement organizations; these include training and support groups, research centers, policy think tanks, and organizing schools
- Coalition/alliance: a group of organizations that come together to work toward a common goal
- Independent political organization: political parties outside of the Republican and Democratic parties
- People’s organization: organizations that bring together a broad group of people to work on multiple issues/ goals
- Intermediary/funder: an organization that provides resources to movement organizations
- Legal: an organization whose primary approach to change is through legal avenues
- Media & Culture: groups that chronicle and report on world events and/or promote cultural activity
- Electoral Organizing: Formations focused on impacting elections by turning out voters, sometimes for specific candidates or policies
Which options best describe your organization? (Select primary type)
Activist Collective
Advocacy Organization
Alternative Institution
Base Building Organization
Capacity-Building & Training Organization
Coalition or Alliance
Independent Political Organization
People's/Popular Organization
Legal Organization
Media & Culture Organization
Where does your organization organize?
- select Where does your organization organize? -
Northeast (U.S.)
Northwest (U.S.)
Mid-Atlantic (U.S.)
Midwest (U.S.)
South (U.S.)
Southwest (U.S.)
West (U.S.)
Puerto Rico or Hawai’i
National (U.S.)
Outside of the U.S.
How did you hear about us?